Despite women gaining more higher education certificates than men (13% for women, 7.3% for men), they still face social, cultural, and political challenges to their working life ambitions and economic independence. Between 2013 and 2014, their numbers in the labor force did not exceed 10% for any age group.
The war changed social and economic conditions and imposed a new reality, opening the way for many women to use their skills and enter working life.
Yemeni women’s entry into the labor force was mostly through traditional work, such as sewing, but there are also a number of women who have taken up non-traditional roles. While many of them have faced significant pushback from their immediate circle and society at large, this photo essay shines a light on some trailblazers that can serve as a source for inspiration for other young girls to pursue not what society deems fit for them, but what they want to pursue.