In our new documentary, we show the consequences of the changing climate on two communities in Yemen.
Fishers in Tawahi and farmers in Hajar no longer experience the weather patterns of their childhoods. Instead, the changing seasonal rain and wind patterns prevent them from being able to work and secure their livelihoods, as many had done in the past. This has negative consequences, including internal migration as large numbers of people head to urban areas for work.
And next to the impact on humans, the marine landscapes are devastated and agricultural land is altered by desertification, changing the delicate ecology of Yemen’s land.
A report linked to this film was written by YPC Fellow Hadil al-Mowafak: ‘Rising Temperatures, Falling Resources: Climate Change Impacts on Yemen’s Agrarian and Coastal Communities’.
The report and film are part of ‘The Local Climate Dialogues project’, funded by the Robert Bosch foundation.